I am an American technology worker who just moved to Taiwan.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Your documents, please

After signing my contract with my employer the next step was to apply for a Taiwan Work Permit. I need to have this in hand when I arrive in Taipei. I guess, so I can enter as a worker and not a tourist. I filled out a simple questionnaire with my employer, provided some document copies (passport, etc) and had to provide 2 photos. I asked if I could just email my HR group a JPEG and let them print it out but, no, they wanted hard copies.

And, of course, it's not exactly the same size requriement as a US passport photo so I'm at work with a tape measure and a paper cutter trying to get the size just right. I thought about having my company's shipping department send the photos over but I don't trust them so I just put them in an envelope and went to the post office. It's just about a dollar to mail an envelope to Taiwan, but it took almost 3 weeks to get there!

They finally confimed the photos were received and I received notice about 2 weeks later that my work permit was approved. They FEDEXed it to me and I got it a couple days ago. It's all in Chinese except my name so for all I know, it labels me as communist party scum and alerts Taiwan immigration to detain me indefinitely. It's got this fancy calligraphy on it though:

I wonder if that's the part about "detention".

The next step is to apply for an ARC, "Alien Resident Card" which will allow me to stay in the country for an amount of time but is also required for many business transactions, opening bank accounts, getting loans, etc. I won't need to apply for this until I arrive in Taiwan but I've already started to gather the necessary documentation. I think I need 8 more photos for this. What's with all the photos?!?!

Also, before I leave, I have to get an International Driver's License which can be obtained for $15 from a AAA office. Then I have 30 days to pass a test and get a Taiwanese Driver's License. Would you believe there is one state in the U.S. from which you can just instantly get a Taiwanese license? No test... No international license...

Oklahoma. I wonder how Oklahoma has ANYTHING to do with Taiwan.


  1. Hi there - I stumbled onto your blog a few weeks ago when I was considering an expat assignment in Taipei. I never comment or email strangers but thought we had so much in common that I'd break my own rule -- I'm also married, no kids, living in CT and figuring out how to sell our house, and relocate our cat.

    We decided to take the big plunge and are moving this summer. I'm just in the beginning stage of figuring stuff out but was hoping you don't mind if I throw you guys a few questions... Plus, I was thinking it would be nice to know someone else from the US once we move. If you're interested, feel free to email me - jessica.tut80 (at) gmail

  2. We are also considering a move or adventure to Taichung this summer for a job opportunity with my husbands company. I have enjoyed reading some of what is entailed in moving to another country , thanks for the insight. Sorry to hear about your dog. We were not sure about taking our chi chi dogs, the Taiwanese govt seemed to discourage it.
