I changed the oil in the truck this weekend as I am close enough to my departure that I can offload it. I had this guy, Dave, lined up at work who really wanted it and we loosely kicked around some #'s regarding price. I even had it washed on the way into work yesterday and the car wash attendant was asking me how much I paid for it and said he wants one. I should have tried to sell it to him right there, might have saved $23 for the car wash.
I got in to work and emailed Dave and got an autoresponse that he's out until April 27th. If I was sure he would pay something reasonable for it I would hold off but I really don't want to leave Shirley with any extra work so I'd like to sell it before I leave. I listed it this morning on Craigslist.
I visited several sites when attempting to derrive a selling price. Kelly Blue Book, NADA and Edmunds had different values with KBB being significantly lower. I also scoped out some Ebay, Bargain News and Craigslist ads to get a feel for the market and listed it @ $10,500, which was very close to the Edmunds price. If I can get high 9's I'll be happy. It's a 2002 Toyota Tacoma, 4WD, which should be an easy sell around here.
In the first year of living in our house I often got stranded at the bottom of our driveway in my VW Jetta during the winter. The next fall I decided to get the Tacoma. It has served me well and has been very reliable (knock on wood). I hope it will be a quick sell. If not, I can probably fall back on Dave taking it off my hands. I wonder what sort of creeps Craigslist will stir up...
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